Doing battle with hospital infections.

PositionGERMS - Air sterilization technology designed

An innovative air sterilization technology designed to assist troops on the battlefield soon may be protecting hospital patients from deadly infections, report researchers from New York's University at Buffalo. The news comes as hospital-acquired infections, many of which are becoming increasingly difficult to treat, are on the rise.

In tests funded by the Department of Defense, scientists have shown the device can eradicate greater than 99.9999% of the spores of an anthrax surrogate in an airstream. "That's better than any conventional technology on the market," reveals James F. Garvey, professor of chemistry. "We input 1,000,000 live, active spores of a thermally resistant bacterium into the device and only one live spore comes out."

Through compressive heating and pressure oscillations that break up and kill pathogens, the dual-use technology (called BioBlower) can be expected to eradicate even the smallest of airborne biological pathogens--such as bacteria, spores, viruses, influenza (including bird flu), pollen, and mold--rapidly and continuously. That contrasts with the current conventional technology, HEPA...

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