Dogs' Back-to-School Separation Anxiety.

As families with school-aged children make the transition from fun-filled summer at home to the back-to-school routine, many dogs in these households experience various levels of separation anxiety when the house becomes quiet and empty.

"Because dogs lack a concept of time, a change in routine that leaves them separated from people they've grown accustomed to can cause severe behavioral issues," says Brett Levitzke, chief medical officer with Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group, Brooklyn, N.Y.

"These behavioral issues can cause anxiety within the pet owners themselves, so it's best to act quickly and take simple steps to ease a dog's anxiety, as well as your own."

According to Levitzke, some signs and symptoms a dog might be suffering from separation anxiety include prolonged howling and barking, unwanted chewing, excessive pacing, using the bathroom indoors, and attempting to escape. Levitzke recommends pet owners try one or more of the following tips to help ease a dog's distress:

* Freeze peanut butter-stuffed Kongs. This will provide your dog with a distraction from his or her stress. Freezing the Kong will make the activity last significantly longer and stimulate your dog mentally. Be sure to put the toy away when you get home, as this eventually will signal to your dog that your departure is routine and you will return.

* Find a daycare or sitter. Enrolling your dog at an animal daycare a few...

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