Diversity doesn't just happen it takes work.

AuthorMcCarthy, Mary Pat

Lneading compaies recognize that in order to grow, and even to survive, they must contend with a broad and ever-changing array of issues shaping the business environment today and into the future--technology, disruptive innovation, changing demographics, regulation, and the need for increased transparency--as well as heightened expectations of various stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees and the community at large. The speed of change is extraordinary, and continues to accelerate.

The question then is not whether there is a benefit to a board with a diverse set of skills, experiences and perspectives, but rather how to achieve it. A couple of years ago, I participated in a Blue Ribbon Commission of the National Association of Corporate Directors on "The Diverse Board: Moving From Interest to Action."

We discussed the critical importance of diversity as a means of strengthening the overall talent and range of skills and perspectives in the boardroom. We recommended that boards openly discuss potential barriers to achieving diversity: for example, evaluating board composition in light of the company's strategic needs and current board skill sets; expanding horizons in seeking...

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