Dilution Surveys under the Trademark Dilution Revision Act

AuthorJerre B. Swann
Dilution Surveys under
the Trademark Dilution
Revision Act
By Jerre B. Swann
Given the brief existence of the TrademarkDilution Revision Act
(TDRA), thereisno substantial bodyof lawdealing withsurveys
specificallytailored toits provisions.Thischapteristhus morean
exerciseinpredicting whatsurveys will be adopted bycourts,rather
than in analyzing and evaluating formats thathave, overtime, emerged
and matured. Thisauthorprojects thatactivity will surface in atleast
two, and perhapsfive, areas.
First,the TDRA clearlyraisesthe fame/distinctiveness bar:to
qualifyforprotection, amarkmust be “widelyrecognized bythe
general consuming public of the United Statesasadesignation of
source of the goodsorservicesof the mark’s owner.1Niche and geo-
graphic fame arerelicsof the Federal TrademarkDilution Act(FTDA).2
1. 15 U.S.C. §1125(c)(2)(A). Fame requirements underthe Federal Trademark
Dilution Actranged from the rigorous,Toro Co. v. ToroHead, Inc.,61U.S.P.Q. 2d1164
(T.T.A.B. 2001), tothe trivial, Syndicate Sales, Inc. v. Hampshire Paper Corp., 192F.3d
633 (7thCir.1999).
2.See, e.g., BoardofRegents,Univ.ofTexasSys.v.KST Electric, Ltd., 550F. Supp.
2d657(W.D. Tex.2008) (holding underthe TrademarkDilution Revision Actthatthe
orange LonghornsLogo waslikelyfamous in the world of sporting events,but noton a
general, national level;thatitwasnotahousehold name”; and thatniche fame does

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