Democratic hopefuls.

PositionLetters to the Editor - Letter to the Editor

The Comment piece, "Up for Grabs" (January issue), which addresses the Democratic Presidential candidates, makes no mention whatsoever of the serious problems one of them would have if he or she were elected. Trying to make significant changes for the better in both foreign and domestic policies would be difficult, the more so if the Republicans maintain their Congressional pluralities.

Too many people today seem to believe that simply defeating Bush will be sufficient to get the country out of the terrible mess it's in. This is Pollyannaish, given the enormous pressures the neoconservatives will bring to bear on the system once they are out of office.

James W. Hamilton

Santa Fe, New Mexico

As a longtime subscriber to The Progressive, I want to compliment you on your progressive stands covering issues of every stripe over many, many years. I have not 'always agreed with everything I have read in The Progressive, but I have never felt compelled to write a letter to your publication--until now.

The following statement in the January Comment causes me pain: "[T] his season, recognizing how dangerous Bush has turned out to be, few progressives are likely to side with Nader or the Greens. (And those stubborn but principled people who do so would probably not vote Democratic in any circumstance.)"

I, of course, count...

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