The Defense Counsel Journal: a reflection of the IADC.

AuthorYandle, Oliver P.
PositionExecutive Director's Page

In a recent membership satisfaction survey conducted by the IADC, the Defense Counsel Journal ranked as the most valuable member benefit the Association offers. And in many respects, that result should not be all that surprising.

Each quarter, the Journal publishes substantive, thoughtful, and timely articles on critical issues facing the defense bar, written by the very best litigators from across the globe. That alone makes it a publication of great value. But on closer inspection, the Journal is much more than a quality publication of well-written articles. It is a reflection of the IADC itself--perhaps the best showcase of what our organization and membership truly represent. This quarter's issue is a perfect example:

Depth of knowledge and skill. In the pages that follow, you will find a comprehensive analysis of the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the insurance industry, written by David Rosenberg, Kenneth Portner, and Matthew Stool. The piece discusses legislative, regulatory, and legal actions in the aftermath of the storms, how the courts may address these issues, and the implications of all of this on the future of the region. When faced with complex, far-reaching, and catastrophic events, affected businesses look to the members of IADC for guidance in navigating treacherous waters.

Leadership on cutting-edge issues. Technology is an indispensable part of business today, and two articles in this issue address challenges related to electronic data. The first, by William Boggs, Tim Laske, and James Sarnecky, addresses liability issues arising from economic loss resulting from electronic data storage problems. The second, written by Thomas Gorman and Tonya Esposito, provide guidance on developing document management systems and processes to improve a company's ability to respond to an SEC subpoena. These articles reflect IADC members' leadership on emerging challenges to the business community and defense bar. So, too, does the IADC's active efforts to reform judicial rules on electronic discovery and to protect privacy interests in an age of rapid technological development.

Commitment to strengthening the attorney-client partnership. Thomas Segalla and Carrie Parks provide practical guidance to insurers to help reduce the opportunities for...

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