Declaration of peace.

PositionOn the Line - Excerpt - Brief article

The Declaration of Peace is a nationwide campaign to get U.S. troops out of Iraq and end the war. Declaration signers will take part in nonviolent action, marches, rallies, demonstrations, interfaith services, candlelight vigils, and other creative ways to declare peace at the U.S. Capitol and in cities and towns across the country.

Nationally coordinated nonviolent activities will continue until the United States withdraws from Iraq and supports a comprehensive peace process.

More than 350 anti-war, peace, and justice organizations are participating in the Declaration of Peace movement.


"The U.S. war in Iraq is an endless fire consuming lives, resources, and the fragile possibilities of peace. Instead of quenching this fire, the U.S. occupation intensifies it. The Declaration of Peace is a call to end this war--and a commitment to take action to translate this call into a concrete plan for peace.

With nearly 70 percent of the people of the United States opposing this war, there is a growing call to bring the troops home now and to establish a comprehensive, concrete, and rapid plan to end the...

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