Dear CLF friends.

AuthorWarburg, Philip
PositionConservation Law Foundation

THE APPROACH OF NEW ENGLAND'S SUMMER is a good time for us to reflect upon one of our region's most treasured--and troubled natural resources: the Gulf of Maine. Despite its name, the Gulf of Maine embraces most of New England's ocean realm, from Massachusetts Bay and Georges Bank up through Maine's offshore waters, stretching across the border to Nova Scotia.

From the beaches of New England's vast coastline, it's hard to grasp the degree to which our ocean environment is at risk. Yet, with marine habitats continually disrupted by harmful fishing practices, a host of essential species have entered the danger zone. In this CM, you'll learn about one such species, the Atlantic wolfish.

When confronted with a photo of this rather homely species, my 16-year-old daughter asked: "Couldn't you have chosen a more sympathetic creature to champion?" In response, I pointed to the wolffish's important niche in New...

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