Das Pyramidenbuch des Abu Gafar al-Idrisi (st. 649/1251).

AuthorRosenthal, Franz

This new publication by Ulrich Haarmann is of that rare kind that is both joy and despair to the reviewer - in particular, one who is not among the few experts concerned with the history of the pyramids. It is done so well by someone who knows so much about his subject that the reviewer feels he cannot contribute anything either positive or negative and can only express his admiration and give a brief description of the contents. Admittedly, this is not the true purpose of a review in a scholarly journal. Moreover, a complete translation is promised, commenting on details for which there has been no room in the present volume.

Abu Ja far al-Idrisi (568-649/1173-1251) has so far been practically unknown. Haarmann's biographical essay has succeeded in collecting data about him and his Egyptian contemporaries so as to give an illuminating sketch of his position in a flourishing intellectual environment. Al-Idrisi's distinguished family had come from Morocco. He became a prominent official as the Alid genealogist of Egypt and had all the right connections. A first-generation Egyptian, he became greatly enamored with Egypt and its marvelous ancient monuments, which were impressive but from the Muslim religious and historical point of view naturally suspect. It was probably when he moved from Upper Egypt to Cairo that the pyramids became his favorite subject of study. His book on them was written between 623/1226 and 629/1232, when he was in his prime. Its Arabic title, as established by Haarmann, is Kitab Anwar ulwiy al-ajram fi kashf an asrar al-ahram.

Considering that the subject was off the beaten track of common scholarly concerns, the number of preserved manuscripts is quite large, and it was no small undertaking for Haarmann to bring them together for his edition. Their detailed description properly takes first place in Haarmann's introduction. In every respect, it is a model of its kind. One could only wish that it would be imitated by all, and not only some, of those who participate in...

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