D. De Novo Review

JurisdictionNew York

D. De Novo Review

A party aggrieved by the arbitration award may commence an action on the merits in dispute in court within 30 days after the mailing of the award.167 Although commencing an action for de novo review seems like a straightforward proposition, it has proved to be problematic in the short time since the Fee Dispute Resolution Program has been in existence.168 The rule is silent about the procedure necessary to commence the action.169 Courts, therefore, have had to improvise when confronted with a demand for de novo review.170 Although an informal memorandum was issued in February 2006 by the Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs, generally recommending that an aggrieved party should seek a trial de novo by a declaratory judgment action to be commenced in Supreme Court, at least one court has called for a review of the 22 N.Y.C.R.R. § 137 Rules "with a mind toward the articulation of specific procedures to bring these actions before the court for judicial review when such review is warranted."171 If no action is commenced, the...

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