D.D. Hilke: leading the way.

AuthorBeers, Heather
PositionPeople - Profile of executive director for The Children's Museum of Utah - Biography

SPEND A HALF HOUR WITH D. D. Hilke--heck, 10 minutes--and you, too, may believe all things are possible. Her accomplishments are significant, her professional circles intimidating, her intellect invigorating, her self-deprecation charming ... but that's not the amazing part. The kick in the pants is her undimmed imagination and dogged optimism about humanity, community, us.

As executive director for The Children's Museum of Utah, Hilke is the guiding force behind the museum's current metamorphosis from a young children's exhibit space to a youth and family educational center, communal workshop, career lab and resource for local and global problem solving.

When the museum pecks its way from its current chrysalis, emerging into 70,000 square feet of prime real estate at The Gateway center in Salt Lake City, D.D. Hilke envisions "a hands-on environment, where children can learn about art and science and culture. But that's really the teaser to draw you in, to finding your place in the world and making a difference, it wilt be a place where ordinary kids can partner with professionals to do extraordinary things," says Hilke.

She would know something about that. As a young child, Hilke struggled with severe dyslexia and other language-based learning difficulties. Overcoming her challenges, she eventually earned a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology at Cornell University specializing in early childhood development and language acquisition. While finishing her degree, she worked for the Smithsonian Institution, pioneering a new position as the museum's first "audience advocate." There she researched how families learn in a novel environment, gaining precious knowledge about what works and whet doesn't.

She has since honed that understanding in leadership positions at prestigious sites like the Maryland Science Center and...

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