Cybersquat Thrusts.

AuthorSager, Ryan H.
PositionLegislators pushing for the end of cybersquatting - Brief Article

Both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate have passed separate versions of bills outlawing cybersquatting." According to Congress, cybersquatting occurs when a person registers as an Internet domain name a trademark or famous name to which he does not hold rights, with the intent of turning a buck.

For Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the sponsor of the Senate version of the bill, the motivation appears to be partly personal. When Hatch looked into setting up a Web site to publicize his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, someone offered him the domain name for $45,000 (Hatch declined the offer). While the House and Senate bills cover the use of famous names, Hatch is working with the author of the House bill, Rep. James Rogan (R-Calif.), to craft a provision that would outlaw squatting on any name if it could be proved that the motive was profit.

While such legislation seeks to simplify the matter, it raises a number of questions of its own. For instance, it's not clear whether or how coincidental or accidental interference with trademarks would be punished. What, if anything, should be done with potentially--and, one assumes, pointedly--confusing domain names such as, which takes surfers not to the president's Web site (that's but to a porno site?

Then there's the issue of parody Web pages. On the Web, a site's address can be speech as much as its content. Sites such as use company names to lambaste corporations and famous individuals. That's one of the reasons more and more political candidates are preemptively buying up obvious variations on a theme before they launch their campaigns. GOP presidential front-runner George W. Bush's campaign, for instance, is reportedly the owner of such domain names as

As the Internet becomes more central to our lives, the issue of who owns the rights to a given domain name can only continue to heat up, especially when it comes to commercial trademarks. Despite the flurry of...

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