Curt responses simply unacceptable.

PositionAdolescents - Brief Article

If your teenager tries to shut you out with terse, one-word responses when you are trying to have a conversation, keep on communicating, advises psychologist Lauren Solotar of the May Institute, Norwood, Mass. Though difficult at times, it is vital that parents touch base with their adolescents. This is the time they harbor the most emotion and whether or not they tell you, these also are the years they need you most.

According to Solotar, the majority of teen communication is nonverbal, such as eye contact, gestures, and tone of voice. It is common for parents to get short, abrupt replies to their questions. Those frustrating one-word answers reflect the teen trying to set a boundary. The more a parent simply accepts those responses, the greater the wall between the teen and parent.

To facilitate dialogue, Solotar suggests the following:

* Get to know your teen's best communication times--perhaps in the car or during...

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