A review of more than 82,000,-000 calls to company contact centers, gathered by CallMiner, Waltham, Mass., a provider of speech and customer engagement analytics, indicates that consumers are becoming more frustrated with issue resolution and are using profane language to verbalize their displeasure.

Eighty-seven percent of calls with customers using profanity contain curse words throughout the call's duration, while phone calls with consumer profanity usage are, on average, 8.3 minutes longer than those without.

The top five reasons callers become angry are long wait times; having to repeat themselves from one contact channel to the next; failure to have their issue resolved on the first call; long messages before being routed to the right person; and calls that are misrouted after speaking to a call center employee.

"Customers using profanity when calling the contact center isn't just rude; it's a strong indicator that some part of your operation is falling...

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