

  1. Stock market opponents (3 words)

  2. Can you dig it?

  3. "Go on ..."

  4. Chi preceder

  5. Bargain description

  6. Financing abbr.

  7. Greenbacks in 1,000s

  8. New Haven locale

  9. Where a lot of money passes through (2 words)

  10. Canal site

  11. Amber, e.g.

  12. Kind of hour

  13. Decrease in equity position due to additional shares issued

  14. Checks for quality

  15. Lot

  16. Retail location

  17. Former backing for the dollar

  18. Prefix with profit

  19. This, in Paris

  20. Advantage

  21. Gold mine descriptions (2 words)

  22. Map abbr.

  23. Start-ups need (2 words)

  24. One kind of money

  25. Southwestern University, abbr.

  26. Subcompact

  27. Payments


  28. Rise

  29. Big coffee holder

  30. Accounting book

  31. "Dear" one

  32. Easter lead-in

  33. Put money on the right horse (3 words)

  34. Helm heading

  35. Kick in

  36. How things are (2 words)

  37. Johnny Depp's buddies

  38. Type of wire

  39. Bailout keyboard key

  40. Prefix for mingle

  41. Monopoly token

  42. Business philosophy of continual improvement

  43. Under the weather

  44. On the fence

  45. Boardroom bigwig

  46. Copper coin

  47. Excessively

  48. Did like the property appraiser

  49. Lobbyist target

  50. 1973 Supreme Court decision name

  51. Washington, e.g., abbr.

  52. Rate

  53. Add more money to (2 words)

  54. Buck

  55. --lazuli

  56. Time of anticipation

  57. Morning show time

  58. Name

  59. Discouraging words

  60. Kitchen pest

  61. Portland's state, for short

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