

  1. Enjoy a profit (2 words)

  2. Free trade exponent

  3. Bar order

  4. Exploit

  5. Cutback actions

  6. Daily allowance (2 words)

  7. Ranking series

  8. Othello character

  9. Therefore

  10. Cries of surprise

  11. Computerized trading network, abbr.

  12. Raleigh's state

  13. Legal protection and identifier of services, abbr.

  14. Utilitarian thinker

  15. Founder of the Austrian School of Economics

  16. Degree

  17. Monaco's continent

  18. Mixed-breed dog

  19. One of the world's most well-known economists

  20. Buyer of goods and services

  21. Double-cross

  22. Attracting

  23. Wealth

  24. Trading floor

  25. Laissez-faire capitalism advocate

  26. Trial product offering

  27. Japanese currency

  28. Area

  29. Is getting more sellers than buyers (of a market)


  30. Economist known as "Pop"

  31. Fla. neighbor

  32. Macroeconomics creator

  33. Soprano group

  34. It did not go as expected! (3 words)

  35. Affluent and ambitious city dweller

  36. Agreement to provide maintenance or support (2 words)

  37. Cake dressing

  38. Scottish philosopher and economist

  39. Compass direction

  40. Goes with CD

  41. Function

  42. School letters

  43. Per--(yearly)

  44. Unique

  45. --Forster, novelist

  46. 1929 phenomenon

  47. Degree for a business career

  48. Former Fed chief

  49. Accumulating

  50. Necktie with broad ends

  51. Fetch (2 words)

  52. Energy source

  53. Rocky pinnacle

  54. Government financial penalties

  55. Send a check to

  56. Economic advisers

  57. Two-man operation

  58. Vote against

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