
AuthorMellor, Myles

June 2005



  1. SES Americom's partner on HD TV

  2. Islands famous for their tax-shelter use

  3. Combine into an organized body

  4. End of the day, for short

  5. Loudly

  6. Blair and Thatcher are examples

  7. Gobbled up

  8. AMEX stock symbol

  9. Not a good fit

  10. The states

  11. Sell all holdings in a company's stock

  12. Cuban revolutionary

  13. Funeral giant, with Forest

  14. Former government security agency

  15. Montgomery locale

  16. Contract section

  17. Credit score, for short

  18. Time or estate?

  19. Influences

  20. Basic costs

  21. High school night out

  22. Nerve prefix

  23. Violation

  24. NYC locale

  25. Artificial intelligence (abbr.)

  26. Must have

  27. City where the Bellagio is (abbr.)

  28. Dropped, as in a stock price

  29. The "T" in Law and Order?

  30. Justify

  31. ____ shooter

  32. Give a cash advance to

  33. Fuel in shorter and shorter supply

  34. Sandwich bar

  35. Rips off

  36. Denied, as in a deduction

  37. Born name


  38. Wireless company

  39. Beatle wife

  40. Telecom company that cost investors billions

  41. Go in with a partner in obtaining money

  42. Grow

  43. Stock division

  44. Playstation 2 is one

  45. Cash invested

  46. Automated tellers

  47. Obsequious individual

  48. Strategy flaw?

  49. Level in quality, for example

  50. Giant, usually company

  51. Force behind the brains?

  52. How much to pay to get it?

  53. A teary peel?

  54. Twin Cities, for short

  55. Mess up

  56. Copper symbol

  57. Exist

  58. Cry for help

  59. Event announcer

  60. Left

  61. Curse

  62. Produced by

  63. Encouragement to a bullfighter

  64. Digital camera quality indicator

  65. Roman 6

  66. Fall out of use

  67. Terminates

  68. Untrue!

  69. Government drug agency

  70. In effect (abbr)

  71. ___ Bean

  72. Chicago Exchange locale

  73. Jetta, for example

  74. West coast port (abbr.)

  75. French definite article

    See for the solution to this month's puzzle.

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