
AuthorMellor, Myles

January/February 2007



  1. Trader betting on a loss (2 words)

  2. Yes, captain

  3. Electrically charged particle

  4. Feeling

  5. Heavily attack verbally

  6. Manager of a newspaper

  7. "___ tu, Brute" from Julius Caesar

  8. Garden of temptation

  9. Accounting entries

  10. Wall or Sesame

  11. New Orleans (2 words)

  12. Cheats

  13. Equifax abbr.

  14. Monetary policy setters (goes with 37 across)

  15. Type of sloth

  16. Cry for help

  17. Set, rates for example

  18. See 31 across

  19. Russell Crowe's middle name, or savings account

  20. Philosopher suffix

  21. French wine

  22. Business segments (2 words)

  23. Under ___ ___ (close call!)

  24. Stress results

  25. Time for the books to be inspected (2 words)

  26. Make a mistake

  27. Confidentiality agreements

  28. New York time

  29. Eggs

  30. What you do with tape (4 words)

  31. Just before

  32. Economist Smith


  33. The reason companies employ account managers (2 words)

  34. Hotel chain

  35. Original manufacturer's product

  36. Psychiatrist's diagnosis for the US economy? (3 words-goes with 32 down)

  37. Deceive

  38. Goes with behold

  39. Benchmark for a good executive? (2 words)

  40. Plunder

  41. Golden touch-er

  42. "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" singer

  43. Medicos

  44. Spelling test

  45. Established

  46. Shelby locale

  47. Discounts or thinking?

  48. Montecristo, for example

  49. Running back, for short

  50. What a losing team thinks of (2 words)

  51. Excel chart

  52. On behalf of

  53. See 4 down

  54. States

  55. Conflicting schedule possibility? (2 words)

  56. From that time

  57. Add to the system

  58. Billiard striker

  59. Mistake

  60. Type of mortgage loan

  61. Word to the ____

  62. Technology Transfer Fund, abbr.

  63. Small___ (stock group)

  64. Craze

  65. Roman 6

  66. Morning time

  67. Musical scale note

  68. Semiannual, for short

  69. Trademark, abbr.

    See for the solution to this month's puzzle.

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