
AuthorMellor, Myles

January/February 2006



  1. Continuing flow of spending money? (goes with 13 across 3 words)

  2. Cut jobs

  3. Internet provider

  4. See 1 across

  5. It is, old way

  6. Financial contracts whose pay offs are based on performance

  7. Reputation

  8. Raleigh is __ of Jacksonville

  9. Electronic funds transfer, for short

  10. Mental agitation

  11. Surf and ____?

  12. Bring down gold equivalency of a currency

  13. ____ pack?

  14. Law enforcement group

  15. Financier's basic subject?

  16. Periods

  17. Oriental game

  18. Family income (abbr.)

  19. Hourly wage earning

  20. Ethical

  21. Money making department, hopefully

  22. News channel

  23. Rise and become stable, of prices

  24. Inspect and evaluate

  25. Information

  26. Inspired with wonder

  27. Eastern ruler

  28. Alien who came to earth

  29. Someone who can act for someone else

  30. Profits

  31. The ____ guy?

  32. Drops

  33. Follow

  34. Nanosecond, for short

  35. Started the day at, like a stock price


  36. Currency comparative trading values (3 words)

  37. Be

  38. Groups seeking to maintain or control an existing system from which they derive private benefit (2 words)

  39. Mother ____?

  40. Offer

  41. Accountant

  42. A Manning

  43. Desirable characteristic of an investment protfolio

  44. Incompetent

  45. Try out

  46. Block on trade, for example

  47. Suggestions

  48. Lady sheep

  49. Golf driver's location

  50. Richmond locale

  51. Detroit team

  52. Surprise expression

  53. Trademark symbol

  54. Jackson or Derek?

  55. Compass point

  56. Money for the future

  57. Warnings

  58. Allow

  59. While

  60. Life basic

  61. ____ and Order

  62. Sum up

  63. Harasses

  64. Drug enforcement group

  65. Average

  66. Total of the country's production (abbr.)

  67. Depressed

  68. Right ___ target?

  69. Where in French

    See for the solution to this month's puzzle.

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