Criminal Justice ReviewPublication Received List(February-April 2023)

Published date01 September 2023
Date01 September 2023
Criminal Justice Review
Publication Received List
(February-April 2023)
Bellin, J. (2022). Mass incarceration Nation. Cambridge University Press. pp. 234. ISBN: 9781009267595.
Darity, W., Mullen, A.K., & Hubbard, L. (Eds.) (2023). The Black Reparations Project: A handbook for racial
justice. University of California Press. p. 258. ISBN: 9780520383814. $24.95.
Fields, S. E. (2022). Neighborhood watch: Policing White spaces in America. Cambridge University Press.
p. 202. ISBN: 9781108878661. $29.99.
Goodmark, L. (2023). Imperfect victims: Criminalized survivors and the promise of abolition feminism.
University of California Press. p. 296. ISBN: 9780520391123. $24.95.
Groff, E. R. & Haberman, C. P. (Eds.) (2023). Understanding crime and place: A methods handbook. Temple
University Press. p. 442. ISBN: 9781439920671. $74.95.
Hansen, H. (2023). Whiteout: How racial capitalism changed the color of opioids in America. University of
California Press. p. 384. ISBN: 9780520384057. $29.95.
Kelley, E. & Flood, F. M. (2021). Suicide and its impact on the criminal justice system. ABA Book Publishing.
Pp. 249. ISBN: 9781641059879. $80.44.
Leverentz, A. M. (2022). Intersecting lives: How place shapes reentry. University of California Press. p. 270.
ISBN: 9780520379435. $29.95.
Meyer, D. (2022) Violent differences: The importance of race in sexual assault against queer men. University of
California Press. p. 272. ISBN: 9780520384705. $29.95.
Rader, N. E. (2023). Teaching fear: How we learn to fear crime and why it matters. Temple University Press.
p. 216. ISBN: 9781439921036. $32.95.
Seeds, C. (2022). Death by prison: The emergence of life without parole and perpetual conf‌inement. University
of California Press. p. 288. ISBN: 9780520379985. $29.95.
Sidorsky, K. & Schiller, W. (2023). Inequality across state lines: How policymakers have failed domestic vio-
lence victims in the United States. Cambridge University Press. p. 221. ISBN:9781009279161. $29.99.
Criminal Justice Review
2023, Vol. 48(3) 412
© 2023 Georgia State University
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/07340168231177804

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