Creativity in Enhancing the Quality and Size of Patent Portfolios

AuthorNate Phares - Ken Hartmann
PositionNate Phares is an associate at Harrity & Harrity, LLP, in Fairfax, Virginia, where he specializes in patent preparation and prosecution. Ken Hartmann is an associate at the same firm, where he specializes in preparation and prosecution of electrical, mechanical, and electro-mechanical patent applications. They can be reached, respectively, at...
Published in Landslide® magazine, Volume 11, Number 1, a publication of the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL), ©2018 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved.
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One of the most challenging choices for an organiza-
tion’s patent strategy is whether to focus on quality or
quantity. A small number of high-quality patents may
provide value and solid protection for some inventions, but inno-
vation can occur at a fast pace, which may require rapid lings
at a high volume. When presented with the challenge of increas-
ing portfolio size without sacricing patent quality or ballooning
the budget, you, the patent practitioner (whether in-house or in
private practice), may need to take creative steps to increase the
number of ideas that are harvested from inventors, the number
of patents that can be obtained for an idea or group of ideas, and
the efciency with which patents can be drafted. This article dis-
cusses several creative strategies to help grow a patent portfolio
for your clients, whether they are a business unit of an organi-
zation or the organization itself. These creative strategies can
be implemented prior to reaching the prosecution phase, both
before patent applications are drafted and during the application
drafting stage, without simply increasing patent expenditures.
Techniques for Engaging the Inventor
to Increase Invention Disclosures
Inventors are at the core of innovation and a company’s patent
portfolio. Accordingly, inventor outreach is very important
for your clients that seek to grow their patent portfolios.
Provide Patent Education for Inventors
The strength and quality of a patent portfolio can be
improved by the inventors’ knowledge of the value of patents
to the company and their willingness to participate in the pat-
ent process. As such, it is important for companies to educate
their inventors on what it takes to attain a patent, how a patent
is helpful to the company, when a patent can be attained for an
invention, and the like. As patent practitioners, it is important
to learn what your clients want out of their intellectual prop-
erty, so that you can relay this information to the inventors
during inventor interviews and client visits. You may consider
offering patent education presentations or workshops with
business units or engineering groups of your clients. These pre-
sentations or workshops may help to develop not only your
relationship with your clients and inventors, but also the rela-
tionship between the inventors and the patent process.
Encourage Inventor Incentives
For your clients, whether they are business units of an
organization or the organization itself, it helps when they pro-
vide incentives to the inventors. For many organizations, the
patent process is not factored into an inventor’s day-to-day
Creativity in
the Quality and
Size of Patent
By Nate Phares and Ken Hartmann
Nate Phares is an associate at Harrity & Harrity, LLP, in Fairfax, Virginia, where he specializes in patent preparation and prosecution. Ken
Hartmann is an associate at the same rm, where he specializes in preparation and prosecution of electrical, mechanical, and electro-mechanical
patent applications. They can be reached, respectively, at and

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