CPA of service.

PositionFinalentry - Interview

In the Late 60s, a young Bill hibrres learned to swim in the only pool around where he grew up: Tie local YMCA. Today Thin s--managing partner at Bill Torres & Companu, Inc. is the recipient of CalCIWs Public Service Award for his many years of service to another YMCA: the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles. It's cleat Torres wanted to give back to the community around him, as he's also being lauded for his efforts serving East Los Angeles businesses with much needed bilingual services. On the 25th anniversary of him receiving his CPA license, we caught up to Torres to learn more about him and the community he helps support.

What unique changes in the profession have you seen in your time as a licensed CPA?

I would say that in the past 25 years the advancement of technology has had by far the greatest impact on our profession. That impact has created unique changes in the way we perform services, from how we obtain and analyze data to the expansion of the services we provide to our clients.

Have you ever visited Cuba?

I have never been to Cuba. I'm the only one in my generation of extended family members to be born in this country, and I'm proud to carry that responsibility Most of my family was able to flee Cuba in the 1960s, but there were a few who chose not to. I hope to visit there someday under the right circumstances.

What qualities of your parents do you see in yourself?

My parents always taught me the importance of education and giving back to the community After starting their professional lives all over again in this country, my father became a tax practitioner and my mother an English as a Second Language teacher. I feel I have honored them by becoming a CPA and an adjunct professor of taxation.

What made you decide to leave the Big 8 world to start your own company?

I had a realization after having worked in Newport Beach with big firms for several years: Although I was working with some great professionals and gaining tremendous knowledge, I didn't feel as though I was making a difference with my clients. So in 1994 I opened a practice in the East. Los Angeles area to focus on providing a higher level of accounting, tax and financial advisory services to a community of successful businesses that didn't have access to bilingual CPA firms.

How has your firm's work impacted the East Los Angeles community?

Through the services provided for our clients I believe we've been able to share in their success. As a result l have been able...

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