
Published date01 October 2020
Date01 October 2020
International Journal of
Offender Therapy and
Comparative Criminology
2020, Vol. 64(13-14) 1482 –1483
© The Author(s) 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0306624X20904794
Stasch, J., Yoon, D., Sauter, J., Hausam, J., & Dahle, K.-P. (2018). Prison Climate
and Its Role in Reducing Dynamic Risk Factors During Offender Treatment.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(14),
In the above article, the references of Woessner and Schwedler (2014) work were
not completely acknowledged. The detailed explanation of the changes are men-
tioned below:
1- On page 4610, line 1, Introduction section: Citation of Woessner and Schwedler
(2014) has been added and the line now reads as:
‘As previously described by Woessner and Schwedler (2014) social climate can be
described as a set of characteristics such as material, social, and emotional condi-
tions as well as their interactional effects (Moos, 1989) that distinguishes organiza-
tions from one another.’
2- Page 4610, 2nd paragraph, line 1-13: The below text has been deleted:
‘Correctional treatment facilities aim to . . . favorable group processes and posttreat-
ment outcomes.’
3- Page 4610, 2nd paragraph, line 13-24: ‘Other studies conducted . . . is condu-
cive to treatment.’ has been replaced with:
‘For an overview on literature on the relationship of social climate aspects to
different outcome variables in the forensic field please refer to Woessner and
Schwedler (2014). More recent studies conducted in correctional facilities also
provide further evidence for positive effects of prison climate on attitudes towards
offending (Woessner &Schwedler, 2014), mental health issues during treatment
(Goncalves, Endrass, Rossegger, &Dirkzwager, 2016), increased empathy (Heynen,
Van der Helm, Cima, Stams, &Korebrits, 2017), and treatment motivation (Long
et al., 2011).’
4- Methods section, page 4612, line 1:
904794IJOXXX10.1177/0306624X20904794International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology

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