Cool places secret spaces.

PositionSuper Fort - What's New?

Two of the most dreaded words that can spring from a child's mouth are: "I'm bored" Looking for a way to supercharge your child's imagination? Think back to the good old days before television and video games took over playtime, when children built forts using blankets, boxes, and boatloads of creativity. Recognizing the pure magic of that experience, Big Boing Toys, Inc., Emeryville, Calif., introduces Super Fort ($49.99), a dynamic, open-ended play system that allows kids to create cool places and secret spaces ... and climb inside a world of fantasy all their own.

Super Fort--the newest addition to Big Boing Toys' line of Right Brain playthings, all of which promote the development of creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking--is an all-in-one solution that helps kids make the most out of unstructured playtime, without using mom's best sheets, supplying them with all the...

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