Continuity with Change

Date01 May 2014
Published date01 May 2014
300 Public Administration Review • May | June 2014
Public Administration Review,
Vol. 74, Iss. 3, pp. 300–301. © 2014 by
The American Society for Public Administration.
DOI: 10.1111/puar.12213.
those papers that were rejected without review.  e
average time to an “accept” or “revise” decision was
approximately 60 days when we include only those
papers sent out for review. Going forward, we plan to
continue this short cycle from submission to editorial
decision as a service to authors and readers.
e most signif‌i cant factor in making a timely
editorial decision is the amount of time it takes for a
reviewer to complete a review assignment. Reviewers
are asked to complete their reviews within 30 days.
Ensuring that reviewers keep their commitment is
important for us and for our authors. In 2013, two-
thirds of PAR reviewers delivered their reviews on
time or early. Our process for selecting reviewers is
meticulous, but we are not infallible. We always select
content area specialists and strive to make sure some,
if not all, of the reviewers possess expertise in the
specif‌i c research methods and analytic tools applied
in the manuscript. Recruiting at least one reviewer for
each manuscript from outside the traditional public
administration f‌i elds also breaks down silos between
disciplines and promotes and links the scholarship
published in PAR to larger audiences.
e quantity and variety of scholarship published in
PAR this past year is impressive.  e six regular issues
include 61 research articles, and the special issue on
health care reform added 11 more. In 2013, PAR also
published four  eory to Practice articles (Donald P.
Moynihan, editor), a Public Administration and the
Disciplines feature (Bradley E. Wright, editor), two
Administrative Prof‌i les (Anne M. Khademian, editor),
15 Perspectives, 41 commentaries on articles, and 34
book reviews (Rogan Kersh and Sonia M. Ospina,
PAR remains highly selective. Not including spe-
cial issues, PAR’s acceptance rate for 2013 was
approximately 15 percent, which is in line with other
f‌i rst-rate academic journals such as the American
Journal of Political Science and the Journal of Public
Administration Research and  eory. e rate at which
newly submitted manuscripts are declined with com-
ments from the managing editor, but not sent out for
external review, has remained at about 40 percent of
all submissions.  e primary reasons for not sending
s announced in the November/December
2013 issue of PAR, the managing editorship
moved from Indiana University to Florida
State University (FSU) on January 1, 2014. While this
move introduced changes to backroom operations, it
has not altered the commitment of the editorial team
at both Indiana and FSU to assemble the f‌i nest issue
every two months and to provide the very best service
to PAR’s authors and reviewers.
Despite a steep learning curve, the transition to FSU
has been smooth because of the sure direction and
assistance from Editor in Chief James L. Perry and
his staf‌f at Indiana. Over recent weeks, I have come
to truly appreciate the exceptional insight and tire-
less work of my predecessor, Michael McGuire.  e
training, assistance, and feedback provided by Michael
and his editorial assistant, Rachel Fyall, who will stay
on board through spring, has been integral to this
transition.  e FSU managing editor team—Editorial
Assistant Kate Wassel, Associate Managing Editor
Portia Diñoso, and myself—will strive to match
the high standards of quality control and attention
to customer service to authors and reviewers that
Michael set.
ese changes should go unnoticed to authors and
reviewers. PAR continues to use Editorial Manager
software to manage and track manuscripts, authors,
and reviewers (
par). Guidelines for submissions can be found at
the publisher’s Web site, Wiley Online (http://
SSN%291540-6210). Following these guidelines care-
fully will ensure timely processing of your paper.
e primary operational goal of PAR continues to be
minimizing the elapsed time between an initial manu-
script submission, an editorial decision, and, if the
paper is accepted, publication.  is criterion is impor-
tant in how we assess our own performance. In 2013,
under Michael McGuire’s leadership, the performance
of the PAR editorial team was stellar in this regard.
Over the last year, PAR has received 389 new submis-
sions and 149 revised manuscripts through Editorial
Manager.  e average time to an initial editorial
decision on a new submission was 28 days, including
Continuity with Change
Richard Feiock
Florida State University

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