Conservatives want more than presidency.

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While GOP candidates end party faithful focus on who can best beat Pres. Barack Obama in November, Craig Copland is rallying conservatives to take over the country--one dog catcher at a time.

"In November 2012, we can take back the White House, majority control of the Senate, more governors' offices, scores of state legislative seats, and countless local level offices. It doesn't start with the office of president--that's where it ends," indicates Copland, author of the 2012 Conservative Election Handbook

Citizens who want to see conservative governance and policies throughout the fabric of the U.S. can make it happen by running for local office or volunteering campaign help for conservative candidates, Copland advises.

"There are 600,000-plus elected offices in this country. If America is to remain a beacon of freedom and prosperity, then conservatives need to be elected as county clerks, judges, water commissioners, mayors, school board trustees, state legislators, and every other rank of public office."

Copland's guide lays out instructions for both political veterans and newbies, stepping up to do their part for the conservative cause. He also points out some foolish ways to lose an election:

Sex. Voters will forgive divorce, but not active adultery. Do not get carded away by the headiness and pressures of the campaign trail end mess up.

Lies. Do not do it--not about anything. You always will be found out. Your credibility will be attacked. You will lose.

Videotape, Once you become a public figure, everything...

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