Conservation law foundation.


Dear Friends of CLF,

As we write this letter, the first signs of economic recovery are emerging and there is cautious optimism that the worst of the global financial crisis may be over. Still, high unemployment and the future of the economy are of major concern for most people here in New England and around the country.


Those concerns are also poignant at CLF. The work that we are doing--in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy, alternative fuels, public transportation and marine spatial planning, to name a few--is founded on the premise that what's good for the environment is also good for the economy.

During the fiscal year which ended July 2009, CLF pursued a full slate of policy initiatives aimed at laying the groundwork for changes that will create jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce our regions dependence on imported fossil fuels, eliminate roadblocks to clean, local power generation and create real savings for consumers. Meanwhile, CLF advocates continued to take aim at the worst environmental offenders with shrewd and targeted litigation that holds them accountable for sharing in the costs they impose on us: not just on our wallets, but on our health, our communities and our overall quality of life.

Amidst the past year's climate of skepticism and general lack of political will to tackle the most pressing environmental issues, CLF continued its work to develop innovative solutions that will make New England a better place to live and bring about the economic prosperity that comes with...

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