Components of a Good GTE Program.

The U.S.'s career and technical education (CTE) infrastructure is the perfect entry point for the next generation of classroom learning. To be at their most effective, CTE programs should meet the following criteria:

* Curriculum is connected to viable industries and highly marketable, future-facing skills. Tech is a natural option. Five middle school students in Santa Rosa County, Fla., recently achieved a cybersecurity industry certification through our Acceletrain program, and 25 more students are about to take the test. These students are gaining valuable, marketable skills at a very young age.

* Real-world business and industry are heavily involved. Industry specialists should serve as trainers, so learning is up-to-the-minute and practical. Programs also should incorporate hands-on learning, extracurricular activities, and internships.

* The program leverages the benefits of distributed learning. The best programs start with the familiar--an engaging teacher and student classroom environment--then apply technology as appropriate. This speeds competency and accelerates workforce readiness.

* The online component is teacher-led, not student-led. Instruction takes place in real-time. Students tend to do better when a...

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