Compel, resist and amend discovery

AuthorWilliam M. Audet/Kimberly A. Fanady
Task 80 Meet and Confer
Task 81 Move to Compel
Task 82 Move to Compel Depositions
Task 83A Oppose Motion to Compel
Task 83B Resisting Discovery (Proportionality & Objections)
Task 84 Move for Protective Order
Task 85 Oppose Motion for Protective Order
Task 86 Prepare Stipulated Protective Order
Task 87A Seek Sanctions
Task 87B Sanctions in ESI Disputes Context
Task 88 Oppose Motion for Sanctions
Task 89 Request Appointment of Magistrate Judge or Special Master
Task 90 Request Discovery Conference
Task 91 Attend Discovery Conference
Task 92 Move to Extend Discovery Time
Task 93 Oppose Motion to Extend Discovery Time
Task 94 Move to Shorten Discovery Time
Task 95 Oppose Motion to Shorten Discovery Time
Task 96 Amend Discovery Responses
Task 96A Request Additional Discovery in Response to Motion for Summary Judgment
Task 96B Oppose Request for Additional Discovery in Response to Motion for Summary Judgment
Task 97 Appeal Discovery Rulings
Form 25 Meet and Confer Letter
Form 26 Letter Conference Meet and Confer Agreements
Form 27 Notice of Motion and Motion to Compel Responses
Form 28 Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel
Form 29 Declaration in Support of Motion
Form 30 Proposed Order
Form 31 Memorandum in Support of Opposition
Form 31.1 Notice of Motion and Motion to Compel
Form 31.2 Response to Motion to Compel
Form 32 Stipulated Protective Order
Form 33 Memorandum in Support of Motion for Sanctions
Form 34 Letter of Request
Form 35 Notice of Motion and Motion for Issuance of Letters of Request
Form 36 Request for Initial Conference
Form 37 Proposed Pretrial Order No. 1: Case Management
Form 38 Notice of Cross-Motion and Cross-Motion for Additional Discovery Pursuant to FRCP 56(f)
Form 3 9 Memorandum in Support of Cross-Motion for Additional Discovery Pursuant to FRCP 56(f)
Form 40 Declaration in Support of Cross-Motion for Additional Discovery Pursuant to FRCP 56(f)
Form 41 Motion for Leave
Meet and Confer
A. FRCP 37 and most local rules require parties to attempt in good faith to reach an informal resolution of a
discovery or disclosure dispute before making a motion to compel. This is called the “meet and confer”
requirement because it forces the parties to meet and discuss the dispute.
 -
See FRCP 37(a)(1), (d)(1)(B); Samsung
Elecs. Am., Inc. v. Chung, 321 F.R.D. 250, 285 (N.D. Tex. 2017) (“Additionally, a proper Rule 37(a) motion
    
by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37(a)(1)”) (quotations omitted); -
 301 F.R.D. 235 (S.D. W. Va. 2014) (form letter to opposing counsel that did not contain request
, 297 F.R.D. 248 (N.D. W. Va. 2013) (motion to
 
, 211 F.R.D.
local rule);  , No. 05-2164-MLB-DWB, 2007
U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66159, at *11 (D. Kan. Sep. 6, 2007) (“require[ing] that the parties in good faith converse,
  
, No. 2:15-cv-1272, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 101109, at *31 (S.D. Ohio June 29, 2017) (denying motion
    
Defendant regarding the disputed interrogatories.”).
      
even impose sanctions against you. See FRCP 37(a)(1), (5)(A)(i); , 82 Fed.
 
merits. Wilhelm v. Cain, 78 Fed. Rules Serv. 3d 689 (N.D. W. Va. 2011) (letter seeking to resolve discovery
of motion to compel for failure to meet and confer);  , 82 Fed. Rules
   
D. The meet and confer requirement serves several purposes, such as to:
 
2. Force the parties to focus on their positions and thereby make them reconsider making or opposing a
motion to compel.
   
 
 
a “reasonable time” requirement on the motion to compel (see
B. The better practice is to meet and confer as soon as possible after the dispute arises because:
 

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