Communist defector reveals strategies that are destroying America.

AuthorMcKay, Scott
PositionDisinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism - Book review

Millions of people, shaken to their core by the never-ending outrages of the Age of Obama, are asking: Why is outright Marxism increasingly taking root in the U.S.? Why has Islamic radicalism and terrorism burst aflame after a long period of apparent quiescence? Why do so many Americans--even the U.S. president--seem to hate their own country?

Like the solution to a giant jigsaw puzzle lacking one crucial piece, Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism ($26.95, hardcover, WND Books)--written by the highest-ranking spy chief ever to defect to America from the Soviet bloc--provides the missing piece of the puzzle that makes the dizzying chaos of the modern world finally understandable.

The author, Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, is living under deep cover in the U.S. due to ongoing assassination threats, but he is speaking out--one more time. The last time he spoke out, a quarter-century ago in his international bestseller Red Horizons: The True Story of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescus' Crimes, Lifestyle, and Corruption, Pacepa exposed the massive crimes and corruption of his former boss, Romanian Pres. Ceausescu, giving the dictator a nervous breakdown and inspiring him to send assassination squads to the U.S. to find his former spy chief and kill him. They failed. On Christmas Day 1989, Ceausescu was executed by his own people at the end of a trial whose accusations came almost word-for-word out of Red Horizons. Pres. Ronald Reagan reportedly referred to it as "my Bible for dealing with dictators."

Today, the man credited by the CIA as the only person in the Western world who single-handedly demolished an entire enemy espionage service--the one he himself managed--now is taking aim at an even bigger target: the exotic, widely misunderstood but still astonishingly influential realm of disinformation.

Within the pages of Disinformation, Pacepa, along with his coauthor, historian Ronald Rychlak, exposes some of the most consequential-yet largely unknown--disinformation campaigns of our lifetime, ones that have changed the lives of Americans in profound ways.

To begin with, Pacepa and Rychlak reveal that the Soviet Union's immense intelligence apparatus, unlike other nations' spy establishments, was not focused primarily on spying and gathering intelligence. Instead, the Communist bloc intelligence services, in- eluding the Russian KGB and the Romanian DIE headed by...

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