TD Bank commits to building energy-efficient 'green' branches.

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TD Bank, which has 1,000 locations from Maine to Florida, is the latest large bank to announce that it is going "green."

The bank recently unveiled the new energy-efficient design for its future stores, which is what the institution calls its branches. The goal of the new green branches is eventually make the bank "carbon neutral." The bank says it is the largest U.S. bank to date to commit to a carbon neutral policy.

Headquartered in Cherry Hill, N.J. and Portland, Maine, the financial institution has assets of $142 billion.

The financial institution says it plans to reach its environmental goal by building greener buildings, lowering its energy consumption, and making a significant investment in renewable energy from sources like wind, solar and low-impact hydro power. TD Bank has purchased a block of wind energy large enough to power its network of 2,600 ATMs. The bank has also purchased 31,000 metric tons of carbon offset credits to eliminate its remaining emissions.

The bank's new 3,800 square-feet prototype stores or branches will reduce energy consumption by 50 percent compared to previous designs, with nearly 20 percent of the branch's energy being produced onsite through solar panels and solar drive-through canopies. Other features of the new branches: wood from sustainably managed forests, products that emit little-to-no VOCs (volatile organic materials), walk-off mats and air filters that trap particles of dirt, dust and pollen for improved indoor air quality, insulated glass with a low-E coating to help keep a balanced, temperate environment, and sensors to control lighting. Branches will be maintained with green cleaning products, and will recycle paper, cardboard, glass, metal, plastics and disposable batteries.

TD Bank developed a "prototype store" design that has a similar look and feel so no matter where customers bank.

Some of the special features of the new prototype branch:

* Solar drive-through canopy: a translucent canopy over the drive-through lanes that generates electricity for the...

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