Colorado Supreme Court Rules Committees, 0721 COBJ, Vol. 50, No. 7 Pg. 66

AuthorBy: Monica M. Márquez, Justice, Colorado Supreme Court
PositionVol. 50, 7 [Page 66]

50 Colo.Law. 66

Colorado Supreme Court Rules Committees

No. Vol. 50, No. 7 [Page 66]

Colorado Lawyer

July, 2021

Amended and Adopted by the Court, En Banc, May 3, 2021, effective immediately.


By: Monica M. Márquez, Justice, Colorado Supreme Court

Notice of Request for Comments: Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct

Deadline for Comments: August 16, 2021 at 5 p.m.

The Colorado Supreme Court requests written public comments by any interested person on proposed Rule 1.5 and Comment 2 of the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct. Public comments may be submitted in letter format addressed as follows: Colorado Supreme Court, 2 E. 14th Avenue, Denver, CO 80202. If submitting a public comment by email, please attach your submission as a separate document to your email in Word or PDF format and email it to

Comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 16, 2021. Written comments will be posted on the Colorado Supreme Court's website at the URL listed below.

Note: The proposed amendments can be found on the Court's website at Supreme_Court/Rule_Changes.cfm.

Rule Change 2021(06): Uniform Local Rules for All State Water Court Divisions

Chapter 36 Uniform Local Rules for All State Water Court Divisions Note and Rule 11

Chapter 36

Uniform Local Rules for All State Water Court Divisions

These rules apply to water court proceedings subject to sections 37-92-302 to 37-92-305, C.R.S., including final decennial abandonment lists, which are published in the water court resume under section 37-92-302(3), C.R.S., and considered water court applications under these rules. Except as expressly provided in these rules, the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, including the statewide practice standards set out in C.R.C.R 121, shall apply to water court practice and procedure. All prior water court local rules are repealed.

Rule 11. Pre-Trial Procedure, Case Management, Disclosure, and Simplification of Issues

The provisions of C.R.C.R 16 and 26 through 37 shall apply except that they shall be modified as follows:

(a) C.R.C.R 16(b)-(e), C.R.C.R 16(f)(3)(VI) (C), C.R.C.R 16(g), and C.R.C.R 26(a)(2)(B)(I) (g) shall not apply to water court proceedings subject to sections 37-92-302 to 37- 92-305, C.R.S.


(1) At Issue Date. Water court applications subject to sections 37-92-302 to 37-92-305, C.R.S., shall be considered to be at issue for purposes of this Rule and C.R.C.R 26 49 days (7 weeks) after the earlier of either of the following: entry of an order of re-referral or the filing of a protest to the ruling of the referee, unless the water court directs otherwise. Unless the water court directs otherwise, the time period for filing a Certificate of Compliance under subsection (b)(7) of this Rule shall be no later than 77 days (11 weeks) after a case is at issue.

(b)(2)-(b)(10) [NO CHANGE]


Amended and Adopted by the Court, En Banc, May 3, 2021, effective immediately.

Rule Change 2021(07): Colorado Rules of Procedure Regarding Attorney Discipline and Disability Proceedings, Colorado Attorneys' Education Fund for Client Protection and Mandatory Continuing Legal Education and Judicial Education

Rules 241, 242, 242.1, 242.2, 242.3, 242.4, 242.5, 242.6, 242.7, 242.8, 242.9, 242.10, 242.11, 242.12, 242.13, 242.14, 242.15, 242.16, 242.17, 242.18, 242.19, 242.20, 242.21, 242.22, 242.23, 242.24, 242.25, 242.26, 242.27, 242.28, 242.29, 242.30, 242.31, 242.32, 242.33, 242.34, 242.35, 242.36, 242.37, 242.38, 242.39, 242.40, 242.41, 242.42, 242.43, 243, 243.1, 243.2, 243.3, 243.4, 243.5, 243.6, 243.7, 243.8, 243.9, 243.10, 243.11, 243.12, 243.13, 244, 244.1, 244.2, 244.3, 244.4, 251, 251.2, 251.3, 251.4, 251.5, 251.6, 251.7, 251.8, 251.8.5, 251.8.6, 251.9, 251.10, 251.11, 251.12, 251.13, 251.14, 251.15, 251.16, 251.17, 251.18, 251.19, 251.20, 251.21, 251.22, 251.23, 251.27, 251.28, 251.29, 251.30, 251.31, 251.32, 251.33, 251.34, and 253 AND Rules 250.3, 250.7, 254, and 255

[Editor's note: Due to space limitations, Colorado Lawyer is unable to publish the 2021(07) rules changes. Visit

Courts/Supreme_Court/Rule_Changes/2021. cfm to view Rule Change 2021 (07) in full]

Amended and Adopted by the Court, En Banc, May 20, 2021, effective for cases filed with the Presiding Disciplinary Judge or the Supreme Court on or after July 1, 2021, and as to all other matters covered by these rules, effective July 1,2021.

Rule Change 2021(08): Colorado Code of Judicial Conduct

Rule 1.1

Rule 1.1. Compliance with the Law


(C) Every judge subject to the Code of Judicial Conduct, upon being convicted of a crime, except misdemeanor traffic offenses or traffic ordinance violations not including the use of alcohol or drugs, shall notify the appropriate authority* in writing of such conviction within ten days after the date of the conviction. In addition, the clerk of any court in this state in which the conviction was entered shall transmit to the appropriate authority within ten days after the date of the conviction a certificate thereof. This obligation to self-report convictions is a parallel but independent obligation of judges admitted to the Colorado bar to report the same conduct to the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel pursuant to C.R.C.P. 242.11.

Amended and Adopted by the Court, En Banc, May 20, 2021, effective July 1, 2021.

Rule Change 2021(09): Colorado Rules of Judicial Discipline

Rules 2 and 33.5

Rule 2. Definitions

In these rules, unless the context or subject matter...

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