Do today's college students have less interest in political matters than their counterparts of the 1960s and 1970s? A survey of students at Ball State University, Muncie, Ind., found that about nine percent reported being very interested in politics, while 14% had no interest, indicates Mike Corbett, professor of political science.

"More than half the students said they were just a little interested. Students are not as interested in politics as they are in other matters such as starting careers or developing romantic relationships. The term is privatism because they are interested in their private lives now. They'll wait a few years until they are older and settled in their lives before taking an interest in public matters."

According to the survey:

* Forty-two percent of respondents said politicians can be trusted to do what they think is best for the country while 39% either disagreed or strongly disagreed.

* About 58% would be willing to vote for a woman to serve as...

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