College guarantees four-year graduation.

A four-year graduation guarantee contract has been made available to entering Virginia Wesleyan College freshmen, beginning with fall, 1996. It guarantees that all undergraduate students wishing to graduate in four years will be provided necessary courses as required by the college for their selected major field of study Any required courses needed beyond four years will be provided to the students tuition-free. The program focuses on quality academic advising and student diligence and is offered college-wide for all majors.

There is a concern on the national level about the rising costs of tuition. Virginia Wesleyan feels that this program will address that concern by assisting the students and parents, in partnership with the college, to meet their goals in four years. When the student fulfills his or her part of the written contract, that should be accomplished with no difficulty. The contract outlines the student's responsibilities, including meeting regularly with his or her adviser, maintaining an acceptable grade point average, declaring a major on time, and...

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