Coalition Operations: A Canadian Perspective

AuthorKenneth W. Watkin
PositionBrigadier General, Canadian Forces
Coalition Operations: ACanadian
Kenneth W.Watkin*
In order to put my thoughts in context, Ibegin by outlining recent Canadian
participation in the international sphere. Iwant to highlight that Canadian
Forces operations are not limited to "peacekeeping" as is often misunderstood, not
only on the international scene, but also sometimes at home. While Canada chose
not to be involved in the 2003 Iraq operation, it has been afully committed member
in terms both of the lives of its soldiers, sailors and airmen, including women, as
well as of "national treasure"in the coalition and international efforts related to
what the United States, our close neighbor to the south, has termed the "Global
War on Terror" or the "GWOT," and what we call the "Campaign Against Terror-
ism" or the "CAT." 1Isuppose this subtle use of different terminology is part of
the reason this volume contains two other articles2authored by representatives of
nations that have participated in coalition operations with the United States. To-
gether they illustrate the differing national approaches and understandings relat-
ing to participation in acommon enterprise.
Regardless of how the conflict is termed, countering Al Qaeda requires a
multidisciplinary and multifaceted approach involving civilian and military intel-
ligence agencies, policing, diplomacy and international engagement, as well as the
*Brigadier General, Canadian Forces. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the government of Canada.

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