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PositionKonica Z-Up 60e 35mm camera - Product/Service Evaluation

* As new technology continues to sweep through the photographic industry in an inexorable rush to digitalize everything, there remain people who stubbornly demand that their cameras do things the old fashioned way, utilizing film. There is still great satisfaction in picking up a freshly developed envelope full of pictures and being able to pass them around for others to view. Waiting for a roll of film to be developed--even if at a one-hour place--may seem like an eternity to the Computer Generation, but, then again, there is a vast not-so-silent majority out there who is not thrilled by having to look at photos on a computer screen. You can't paste an e-mail picture in the family album; most people don't feel a compulsion to edit photos on screen; and all the software and hardware involved in making prints from the picture that looks best on the monitor seems too cumbersome an operation for a generation not born with a computer mouse clenched in their chubby little fists.

With that rant off our chests, we salute companies like Konica Photo Imaging, Mahwah, N.J., which, while firmly involved in the digital revolution, continues not only to produce film cameras, but to do so in a state-of-the-art manner. Take, for example, its Z-Up 60e 35mm model. Super compact--roughly 4.5" x 2.5" x 1.25"--it still has enough bells and whistles to satisfy those...

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