CLF mourns the loss of Richard Emmet.

PositionConservation Law Foundation - Obituary

ON JULY 27, RICHARD EMMET, A COMMITTED environmentalist and one of CLF's true stalwarts, passed away after a long illness.


"Dick was an extraordinary human being--kind, soft-spoken, but utterly determined in his dedication to protecting New England's environment," said CLF President Phil Warburg. Dick joined CLF in the 1980s as an attorney after a career in private law practice, teaching and school administration. Longtime CLF attorney Steve Burrington called him "the dean of public trust law in Massachusetts" and the embodiment of CLF's motto, "Defending the Law of the Land." During his many years as a CLF attorney, Dick worked tirelessly to ensure public access to, and enjoyment of, our shared natural environment--our coastline as well as our inland open spaces.

Six years after joining CLF's Board of Directors in 1993, Dick...

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