Clearing the air.

PositionGRAPH: ENVIRONMENT - Brief article

As the article "The Greening of Suburbia" notes, greenhouse gases--and carbon dioxide in particular-are among the chief causes of global warming, according to most scientists. With the largest economy in the world--and a culture built in large part around the automobile-the United States is responsible for the most greenhouse gas emissions. On a per capita basis, it is several rungs down on the ladder.



(1) The U.S accounts for about -- of the world's 27 billion metric tons of C[O.sup.2] emissions.

a one-half

b one-third

c one-fifth

d one-eighth

(2) The countries with the most carbon dioxide emissions per capita are in

a North America

b the Middle East

c the Southern Hemisphere

d Europe

(3) The total of annual C[O.sup.2] emissions for the last three countries shown (top graph) is closest to that of

a China/Taiwan

b Russia

c Japan

d Germany

(4) Which country accounts for four times the world average of 5 metric tons of C[O.sup.2] emissions per year?

a Bahrain

b Kuwait

c Luxembourg

d Australia

(5) The Kyoto Protocol calls for the U.S. to reduce emissions by 7 percent--an amount which is closest to --'s total yearly emissions.

a Japan.

b Canada.

c Italy.

d the U.K.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why do you think the U.S. and Canada are the only two countries appearing on both graphs?

  2. If Qatar's per capita carbon dioxide emissions are essentially...

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