"City of Brotherly Love" Welcomes TEI.

54th Annual Conference

October 23-27

October brings thoughts of fall foliage, pumpkins, trick-or-treat, Columbus Day, Oktoberfest, stock market corrections ... and TEI's annual conference. Please make plans to join your tax colleagues in Philadelphia on October 23-27 for Tax Executives Institute's 54th Annual Conference.

As the 21st century approaches, tax executives face a wide array of challenges. The IRS and Revenue Canada are undergoing massive reorganizations that will fundamentally affect taxpayers. The Treasury Department's push for far-reaching tax shelter legislation may undermine traditional planning activities. A federal tax advisory commission is assessing possible changes in how electronic commerce should be taxed. And tax departments continue to search for ways to do their jobs better, faster, and smarter.

Keeping up to date in these times is critical and there is no better way to hear about the latest developments than TEI's Annual Conference. Comments on those developments will be provided by keynote speakers such as Deputy Treasury Secretary Stuart Eizenstat, Assistant Treasury Secretary Jon Talisman, IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti, and Joint Committee Chief of Staff Lindy Paull, and Governor Michael Leavitt of Utah, who is a member of the federal Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce. In addition, Judge David Laro of the United States Tax Court -- who wrote the opinion in the ACM case -- will share his perspective on the judicial response to corporate tax shelters. These presentations, combined with the technical sessions planned by the Institute's Continuing Education Committee, guarantee that conference registrants will receive a top-notch education experience.

Technical Sessions

The location of the conference -- Philadelphia -- has been the site of many historic debates and TEI is about to add one more. An unprecedented three-hour symposium on corporate tax shelters will feature government officials, practitioners, and a representative of the news media. In addition, participants will learn about corporate debt, as well as INDOPCO developments and worker classification issues in the Federal Tax Committee's technical sessions. And the IRS Administrative Affairs Committee will offer sessions on hot IRS practice and procedure issues and the state tax consequences of...

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