Chess queen gets girls into the game.

PositionO&A - Brief Article - Interview

At the chessboard, Jennifer Shahade, 23, the 2004 U.S. Women's Chess Champion, is a fierce competitor. In front of a class, she helps girls master the game. Upfront talked to Shahade, a 2003 New York University graduate, about what draws her to chess.

What is chess--a game, a science, an art form?

The way that I play it competitively, it's mostly a sport. ... I like to run and play basketball, but I'm actually more exhausted after the end of a chess game.

What draws you to the chessboard?

When you're analyzing something very deeply, there's a wonderful feeling of depth and truth ... and it kind of sends shivers down your spine when it's intense.

Why don't more girls play?

I think girls are less encouraged in the sport and there are fewer role models. So I'm trying to change that.... I...

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