Chapter II. Treaties concerning the legal status of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations

TreATies CONCerNiNg The LegAL sTATUs OF The UNiTed NATiONs ANd reLATed iNTergOverNmeNTAL OrgANizATiONs

  1. Treaties concerning the legal status of the United Nations

    1. status of the Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the United Nations.* Approved by the general Assembly of the

      United Nations on the 13 February 1946

      During 2007, the following States acceded to the Convention:

      As at 31 December 2007, there were 156 States parties to the Convention **

    2. Agreements relating to missions, offices and meetings

      (a) Agreement between the Government of Kazakhstan and the United Nations regarding the arrangements for the Sixty-third Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

      Bangkok, 28 March 2007***

      Whereas the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), at its resumed sixty-second session, held in Bangkok on 21 December 2006, welcomed and accepted the offer of the Government of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as “the Government”) to host the sixty-third session of the ESCAP (hereinafter referred to as “the Session”) at Almaty, Kazakhstan;

      * United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol 1, p 15, and vo1 90, p 327 (corrigendum to vol 1)

      ** For the list of the States parties, see chapter III of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General, available on the website http://treaties un org/Pages/ParticipationStatus aspx

      *** Entered into force on 28 March 2007, in accordance with article XIII

      Whereas both the Government and the United Nations note that in accordance with ESCAP resolution 61/1 of 18 May 2005 on the mid-term review concerning the functioning of the conference structure of the Commission, the eighth session of the Special Body on Least Developed and Landlocked Developing Countries (hereinafter referred to as “the Special Body”) will have to be held prior to the Session;

      Whereas the General Assembly of the United Nations, by paragraph 17 of its resolution 47/202 of 22 December 1992, reaffirmed that United Nations bodies may hold sessions away from their established headquarters when the Government issuing the invitation for a session to be held within its territory has agreed to defray, after consultations with the Secretary-General of the United Nations as to their nature and possible extent, the actual additional costs directly or indirectly incurred;

      Now therefore, the Government and the United Nations, both hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”, noting that this Agreement shall cover the Session and Special Body hereinafter referred to as “the Sessions”, hereby agree as follows:

      Article I. Dates and place of the sessions

      1 The Session shall be held at Almaty, Kazakhstan from 17 to 23 May 2007

      2 The Special Body shall be held at Almaty, Kazakhstan on 15 and 16 May 2007

      Article II. Attendance at the sessions

      1 The Sessions shall be open to participation by the representatives or observers of:

      (a) Members and associate members of ESCAP;

      (b) Other states;

      (c) Organizations that have received standing invitations from the General Assembly to participate in conferences in the capacity of observers;

      (d) Specialized and related agencies of the United Nations;

      (e) Other intergovernmental organizations;

      (f) Intergovernmental organs of the United Nations;

      (g) Non-governmental organizations;

      (h) Officials of the United Nations Secretariat;

      (i) Other persons invited by the United Nations

      2 The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall designate the officials of the United Nations assigned to attend the Sessions for the purpose of servicing it

      3 The public meetings of the Sessions shall be open to representatives of information media accredited by the United Nations at its discretion after consultation with the Government

      Article III. Premises, equipment, utilities and supplies

      1 The Government shall provide the necessary premises, including conference rooms for informal meetings, office space, working areas and other related facilities as

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      specified in Annex I *The Government shall, at its expense, furnish, equip and maintain in good repair all these premises and facilities in a manner that the United Nations considers adequate for the effective conduct of the Sessions The conference rooms shall be equipped for reciprocal simultaneous interpretation between four (4) languages and shall have facilities for sound recording in that number of languages as well as facilities for press, television, radio and film operations, to the extent required by the United Nations The premises shall remain at the disposal of the United Nations from three days prior to the Sessions until a maximum of two days after the close of the Session

      2 The Government shall provide, if possible within the conference area: bank, post office, telephone and internet facilities, as well as appropriate eating facilities, a travel agency and a secretariat services centre, equipped in consultation with the United Nations, for the use of delegations to the Sessions on a commercial basis

      3 The Government shall bear the cost of all necessary utility services, including telephone communications, of the secretariat of the Sessions and its communications by electronic mail, fax or telephone with ESCAP (headquarters in Bangkok) or other established headquarters or appropriate United Nations offices when such communications are authorized by or on behalf of the responsible officials of the ESCAP

      4 The Government shall bear the cost of transport and insurance charges, from ESCAP office to the site of the Sessions and return, of all United Nations equipment and supplies not available in Almaty, which are required for the adequate functioning of the Sessions The United Nations shall determine the mode of shipment of such equipment and supplies

      Article IV. Accommodation

      The Government shall ensure that adequate accommodation in hotels or residences is available at reasonable commercial rates for persons participating in or attending the Sessions

      Article V. Medical facilities

      1 Medical facilities adequate for first aid in emergencies shall be provided by the Government, at its own expense, within the conference area

      2 Immediate access and admission to hospital will be assured by the Government whenever required, and the necessary transport will be constantly available on call

      Article VI. Transport

      1 The Government shall provide transport between the Almaty International Airport and the conference area and principal hotels for the members of the United Nations Secretariat servicing the Sessions upon their arrival and departure

      2 The Government shall ensure the availability of transport for all participants and those attending the Sessions between the Almaty International Airport, the principal hotels and the conference area

      3 The Government, in consultation with the United Nations, shall provide an adequate number of oars with drivers for official use by the principal officers and the

      ∗ Not reproduced herein

      secretariat of the Sessions, as well as such other local transportation as is required by the secretariat in connection with the Sessions

      4 The coordination and use of automobiles, buses and minibuses made available pursuant to this article shall be ensured by transport dispatchers to be provided by the Government

      Article VII. Police protection

      The Government shall furnish, at its own expense, such police protection as may be required to ensure the effective functioning of the Sessions in an atmosphere of security and tranquility free from interference of any kind While such police services shall be under the direct supervision and control of a senior officer provided by the Government, this officer shall work in close co-operation with a designated senior official of ESCAP

      Article VIII. Local personnel

      1 The Government shall make available, at its own cost, an official who shall act as a liaison officer between the Parties and shall be responsible, in consultation with the United Nations, for making and carrying out the administrative and personnel arrangements for the Sessions as required under this Agreement

      2 The Government shall engage and provide at its own expense the local personnel required in addition to the United Nations staff for the following services:

      (a) to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment and facilities referred to in Article III (concerning premises, equipment, utilities and supplies);

      (b) to reproduce and distribute the documents and press release needed by the Sessions;

      (c) to work as conference assistants, office assistants, document assistants, registration assistants, and drivers, etc;

      (d) to provide custodial and maintenance services for the equipment and premises made available in connection with the Sessions

      3 To ensure the efficiency of the meeting, the services of local staff would be used to the extent possible Local support staff requirement are provided in Annex I Among those persons, some shall be available two days before the opening of the Sessions and one day after their closure, as required by the United Nations

      Article IX. Financial arrangements

      1 The Government shall, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 47/202, paragraph 17, bear the actual additional costs directly- or indirectly involved in holding the Sessions at Almaty rather than at Bangkok Such costs, which are provisionally estimated at US$994,483 30, shall include, but not be restricted to, the actual additional costs of travel and staff entitlements of the United Nations officials assigned to plan for or attend the Sessions, as well as the costs of shipping any necessary equipment and supplies Arrangements for the travel of United Nations officials required to plan for or service the Sessions and for the shipment of any necessary equipment and supplies shall be made by the ESCAP secretariat in accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United

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