Chapter II. Treaties concerning the legal status of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations

Chapter II
A. T    
  UN
1. Status of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities
of the UnitedNations. Approved by the General Assembly of the
UnitedNations on 13 February 1946**
Brunei Daruss alam acceded to the Convention on 1 August 2013. As of 31December
2013, there were 160 States parties to the Convention.***
2. Agreements relating to missions, oces and meetings
(a) Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the UnitedNations
and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the holding of the
UnitedNations International Meeting in support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace in
Beijing from 18 to 19 June 2013
Geneva on 7 June 2013 and New York on 17 June 2013****
7 June 2013
1. I have the honour to refer to resolution 67/20 entitled “Committee on the
Exercise of the Inalienable R ights of the Palestinian People” (hereinaer referred to as
“the Committee”) on the agenda item “Question of Palestine”, adopted by the General
Assembly on 30 November 2012, in particular to its operative paragraph 2, by which the
General Assembly requested “t he Committee to continue to exert al l eorts to promote the
* In light of the large number of t reaties concluded, only a selection of the re levant treaties is
reproduced herein.
** UnitedNations, Treaty Series, vol. 1, p. 15, and vol. 90, p. 327 (corrigendum to vol. 1).
*** For the lis t of the States parties , see Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General,
available on the web site
**** Entered into force on 17 June 2013 by the exch ange of the said letters, i n accordance with t heir
     
realization of the i nalienable rights of the Palestin ian people, including their right to self-
determination, to support the Middle East process for the achievement of the two-State
solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders and the just resolution of the nal status
issues…”. Accordingly, the Committee included t he organization of internationa l meet-
ings and conferences in var ious regions in its annual programme of work.
2. The Committee has received with appreciation the acceptance of Your
Excellency’s Government to hold the UnitedNations International Meeting in suppor t
of Israeli-Palestinia n Peace (hereinaer referred to as “the Meet ing”) from 18 to 19 June
2013 in Beijing, People’s Republic of China. e Meeting, organiz ed by the UnitedNations,
represented by the Department of Politica l Aairs (DPA) (hereinaer referred to as
“theUnitedNations”), in cooperation with the Govern ment of the People’s Republic of
China, (hereinaer referred to as “the Government”), will be held at the Sotel Wanda,
Beijing, on the above dates. With the present letter, I wish to obtain your Government’s
acceptance of the ar rangements set out below.
3. e number of persons who wi ll participate in the meet ing is expected to be about
150–200. ey will i nclude:
(a) Representatives of States, including Members and Observers of the Com mittee;
(b) UnitedNations ocials;
(c) representatives of speciali zed agencies of the UnitedNations;
(d) representatives of intergovernmental organi zations;
(e) representatives of non-governmental organizat ions; and
(f) other persons invited by the UnitedNations, including eminent personalities,
parliamentaria ns, and individuals drawn f rom academic community.
All part icipants will be i nvited by the United Nations in consultation with the
4. e public sessions of the Meeting shall be open to representatives of informa-
tion media, accredited by the UnitedNations at its discretion in consultation with the
5. e ocial langu ages of the Meeting will be Chi nese and English. Simultaneous
interpretation from and into thes e languages will be provided by the UnitedNations.
6. e UnitedNations shall be responsible for:
(a) e preparation and conduct of the Meet ing;
(b) invitation of par ticipants;
(c) travel and DSA for UnitedNations ocials specied in sub-paragraph 3(b)
above, including expert s and Secretariat sta serv icing the Meeting;
(d) rental of conference faci lities and oce space, as wel l as necessary conference
and oce equipment, stationery and supplies;
(e) recruitment of local sta ; and
(f) preparation and d istribution of docu mentation and preparat ion and publication
of the reports of the Meeti ng.
7. e Govern ment shall be responsible for:
(a) rst aid a nd medical services; and
 
(b) the necessa ry security arrangements and f urnish such police protection as may
be required to ensure the eec tive functioning of the Meeti ng in an atmosphere of security
and tranquil lity free from interference of any k ind. While such police services shal l be
under the direct super vision and control of a senior ocer provided by the Government,
this ocer shal l work in close cooperation with a designated ocia l of the UnitedNations.
8. I wish to propose that t he following terms shall apply to the Meeting:
(a) (i) e Convention on the Privileges and I mmunities of the UnitedNations
adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946 (“the
Convention”), to which the People’s Republic of China is a party, shall be applicable in
respect of the Meeting. In pa rticular, representatives of States, referred to in sub-para-
graph 3(a) above, shall enjoy the privileges and im munities accorded under articleIV of
the Convention. e participants, invited by the UnitedNations shall enjoy the privi-
leges and immunities accorded to experts on mission for the UnitedNations under ar-
ticles VI andVII of the Convention. Ocials of the United Nations, referred to in sub-
paragraph3(b) above, participating in or performing functions in connection with the
Meeting, shal l enjoy the privileges and immunities provided under art icles V and VII of
the Convention. Ocials of the spe cialized agencies part icipating in the Meeting, referred
to in sub-paragraph3(c) above, shall be accorded the priv ileges and immunities provided
under articles VI and VIII of the Convention on the Priv ileges and Immunities of the
Specialize d Agencies adopted by the General Assembly on 21 November 1947;
(ii) Without prejudice to the provisions of the two Conventions, al l partici-
pants and persons performi ng functions in connection with t he Meeting shall enjoy such
facilities and cou rtesies as are necessary for the i ndependent exercise of their functions in
connection with t he Meeting;
(b) The Meeting premises shall be deemed to constitute premises of the
UnitedNations in the sense of Section 3 of the Convention for the durat ion of the Meeting,
including the preparatory st age and the winding-up. e premises of the Meeting sha ll not
be used in a way inconsistent with the purposes and f unctions of the Meeting. Wit hout
prejudice to the provisions of the Convention or this Agreement, t he UnitedNations shall
prevent the premises from being used as a ref uge by persons who are avoiding arrest under
any law of the People’s Republic of China, who are required by the Government for ext radi-
tion to another country, or who are endeavouring to avoid ser vice of legal process;
(c) Al l participants and all persons performing functions in connection with the
Meeting shall have t he right of entry into and exit f rom the People’s Republic of China
without undue delay. e Government shall provide necessa ry facilitation for this pur pose.
Visas and entry permits, when required, shal l be granted as speedily as possible and free
of charge;
(d) e Government shall al low the temporary importation, duty-free, of all e quip-
ment, including technica l equipment accompanying representatives of the in formation
media duly accredited by the United Nations, and shall wa ive import duties on supplies
necessary for the ocia l use of the UnitedNations for the Meet ing. It shall issue wit h-
out delay, to the UnitedNations and the representatives of the informat ion media speci-
ed in paragraph 4 above, a ny necessary import and export permits for this purpose.
Allequ ipment and supplies mentioned in this paragraph shall not be resold or diverted
for purposes other tha n the ocial use of the Meeting unles s agreed by the Government.

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