JurisdictionUnited States
Development Issues and Conflicts in Modern Gas and Oil Plays
(Nov 2004)


David F. Martineau
Exploration Manager
Pitts Oil Company
Dallas, Texas

David F. Martineau, Exploration Manager for Pitts Oil Company, began his association with the Pitts organization in 1972. David is responsible for overall management of the company's geological staff and technical consultants. He is in charge of the evaluation and selection of new exploration programs.

David was formerly Vice President and Manager of Operations for Prudential Drilling Funds, Inc., a sponsor and co-venturer with major oil companies and other independent producers in publicly-funded oil and gas drilling programs covering a broad spectrum of the continental United States. Prior to joining Prudential Drilling Funds in the early 1960s, he was employed by Coastal Corporation, now El Paso, where he started as a Field Geologist and later became an Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Exploration.

A Certified Petroleum Geologist, David received a B.S. Degree in geology from the University of Texas in 1960. He is an active member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and serves as an Associate Trustee for the AAPG Foundation. He serves on the National Energy Policy Committee of the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association, and is a Governor, South Region of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. He is a member and a past Vice President of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers (formally North Texas Oil & Gas Association). David served eleven years on the Geological Foundation Advisory Council of the University of Texas.

Introduction to the Barnett Shale

In 2004, the Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field is the largest producing gas field in Texas and it is ranked 11th in the domestic onshore United States based on estimated proved gas reserves for 2002 (EIA Report).

The field was discovered in 1981 by Mitchell Energy Corporation, in Wise County, Texas, located in the Fort Worth Basin in North Central Texas. The development of the field started slowly with only 100 wells being completed in the first (10) years of the field. In 1998, a major breakthrough in completion technique occurred when water fracs replaced gel fracs.

In the past thirteen (13) years of development, over 2,500 wells were put on production with hundreds of additional wells drilled, completed or waiting on a pipeline. The field has been divided into two (2) areas:

(1) The original Core Area where the Barnett sits on top of the Viola formation, and

(2) The Expansion Area where the Barnett sits on top of the Ellenburger formation.

Vertical wells were the primary drilling method until 2002. Devon Energy, who subsequently bought...

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