§4.3 Historical Development



CR 4(a) was adopted on May 5, 1967, effective July 1, 1967, and superseded RCW 4.28.030 (repealed 1984). It was amended in 1978 to add parts of CR 4(a)(3) regarding notice of appearance, to require that the summons be "signed and dated" rather than "subscribed," and to include the possibility that a rule or statute may allow the defendant to serve a notice of appearance or answer within a period longer than 20 days.

CR 4(b) was also adopted in 1967. CR 4(b)(1) superseded RCW 4.28.40and CR 4(b)(2) superseded RCW 4.28.050(repealed 1984) (with minor clarification). CR 4(b) was amended in 1978 and 1980. The 1978 amendments expanded the form in CR 4(b)(2) to reflect changes introduced by the amendment to CR 3 concerning the defendant's right to demand that the plaintiff file the lawsuit. The 1980 amendments further clarified that either the plaintiff or...

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