
§ 36.2.1—1961 Subdivision Regulations

In 1961, the Colorado legislature provided merely that a planning commission, before exercising certain powers:

shall adopt regulations governing the subdivision of land within its jurisdiction and shall publish the same in pamphlet form, which shall be available for public distribution at a nominal fee. Such regulations may provide, among other things, for the proper arrangement of streets in relation to existing or planned streets and to the master plan; for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic, utilities, access of fire fighting apparatus, civil defense, recreation, sites for schools, and educational facilities and related structures, light, and air; for the avoidance of congested population, including minimum area and width of lot; and for such other matters as the commission may deem in the best interests of the public.31

§ 36.2.2—Current Subdivision Regulations

The current version of the subdivision statute32 provides that subdivision regulations adopted by a board of county commissioners must require all subdividers to submit to the board of county commissioners data, surveys, analyses, studies, plans, and designs, in the form prescribed by the board of county commissioners, of the following items:

• Property survey and ownership of the surface and mineral estates including mineral leases, if any;33
• Relevant site characteristics and analyses applicable to the proposed subdivision including certain reports, evaluations, maps, and tables;34
• A plat and other documentation showing the layout or plan of development, including, where applicable, certain specified information;35
• Adequate evidence that a water supply that is sufficient in terms of quality, quantity, and dependability will be available to ensure an adequate supply of water for the type of subdivision proposed;36 and
• Evidence that provision has been made for facility sites, easements, and rights of access for electrical and natural gas utility service sufficient to ensure reliable and adequate electric or, if applicable, natural gas service for the proposed subdivision.37

The statute also provides that subdivision regulations adopted by the board of county commissioners must also include, as a minimum, provisions governing:

• Sites and land areas for schools and parks when such are reasonably necessary to serve the proposed subdivision and the future residents thereof;38
• Standards and

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