§3.11 Disposition of Remains


A person has the right to control the disposition of his or her own remains without the predeath or postdeath consent of any other person. RCW 68.50.160.

(1) Burial instructions

A valid written document expressing the decedent's wishes regarding the place or method of disposition of remains, signed by the decedent in the presence of a witness, is sufficient legal authorization. RCW 68.50.160(1).

If the decedent has not made prearrangement for disposition of remains or given instructions, the decisions for disposition and the liability for disposition of remains devolves on the following and the decedent's estate:

(a) The person designated by the decedent as authorized to direct disposition as listed on the decedent's United States department of defense record of emergency data, DD form 93, or its successor form, if the decedent died while serving in military service as described in 10 U.S.C. Sec. 1481(a)(1)-(8) in any branch of the United States armed forces, United States reserve forces, or national guard;

(b) The designated agent of the decedent as directed through a written document signed and dated by the decedent in the presence of a witness. The direction of the designated agent is sufficient to direct the type, place, and method of disposition;

(c) The surviving spouse or state registered domestic partner;

(d) The majority of the surviving adult children of the decedent;

(e) The surviving parents of the decedent;

(f) The majority of the surviving siblings of the decedent;

(g) A court-appointed guardian for the person at the time...

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