Chapter 15 Mental Illness and Incapacity
Library | Criminal Law in Oregon (OSBar) (2022 Ed.) |
LAURA GRASER, B.A., Reed College (1973); J.D., Lewis & Clark Law School (1979); admitted to the Oregon State Bar in 1979; Sole Practitioner, Portland.
ELIZABETH N. WAKEFIELD, B.A., University of Texas at Austin (1990); J.D., Willamette University School of Law (1997); admitted to the Oregon State Bar in 1997; Senior Staff Attorney, Metropolitan Public Defender, Portland.
HARRIS S. MATARAZZO, A.B., Brown University (1979); J.D., Lewis & Clark Law School (1983); admitted to the Oregon State Bar in 1986; Adjunct Faculty, OHSU; Sole Practitioner, Portland.
The authors and the OSB Legal Publications Department thank the authors of all prior editions of this chapter for their contributions.
§ 15.1 SCOPE OF CHAPTER.....................................................15-8
§ 15.2 OVERVIEW......................................................................15-8
§ 15.2-1 Working with the Mental-Health Professional.........15-8
§ 15.2-2 "Qualifying Mental Disorder"................................15-12
§ 15.2-2(a) Introduction..................................................15-12
§ 15.2-2(b) The DSM......................................................15-15
§ 15.2-2(c) "Personality Disorders" in the Law and the DSM ....................................................... 15-18
§ 15.2-2(d) A Qualifying Mental Disorder and a Personality Disorder..................................... 15-19
§ 15.2-2(e) Mental Disease and Intoxicants ................... 15-19
§ 15.2-2(e)(1) Neither Alcohol Abuse nor Alcohol Dependence, Alone, Permit an Insanity Defense..............15-20
§ 15.2-2(e)(2) The Long-Term Effects of Alcohol or Drugs and the Insanity Defense.............................................15-21
§ 15.3 CAPACITY TO STAND TRIAL...................................15-23
§ 15.3-1 State Statutory Standards........................................15-24
§ 15.3-1(a) Burden of Proof............................................15-25
§ 15.3-1(b) Procedure to Determine Capacity................15-26§ 15.3-2 Federal Standards....................................................15-35
§ 15.3-1(c) Consequences of a Finding of Incapacity .... 15-31
§ 15.3-2(a) Right to a Hearing........................................15-35§ 15.3-3 Administration of Medication.................................15-37
§ 15.3-2(b) Due-Process Test for Capacity to Stand Trial .............................................................. 15-35
§ 15.3-2(c) Right to Be Tried or Released When Sane .............................................................. 15-36
§ 15.3-3(a) Involuntary Administration..........................15-37§ 15.3-4 Applies to Accused Persons under the Age of 18.............................................................................15-40
§ 15.3-3(b) Voluntary Administration Does Not Per Se Make Defendant Unfit............................15-40
§ 15.4 CAPACITY TO WAIVE RIGHTS.................................15-40
§ 15.5 CAPACITY TO BE EXECUTED..................................15-42
§ 15.6 GUILTY EXCEPT FOR INSANITY.............................15-42
§ 15.6-1 Raising the Insanity Issue.......................................15-43...
§ 15.6-2 Mechanics of the GEI Statute.................................15-47
§ 15.6-2(a) Notice of Intent to Raise the Insanity Issue.............................................................15-47
§ 15.6-2(b) Statutory Test for Insanity............................15-48
§ 15.6-2(c) Burden of Proof: An Affirmative Defense.........................................................15-49
§ 15.6-2(d)
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