Chapter 15 Litigation

LibraryAdministering Trusts in Oregon (OSBar) (2018 Ed.)

MATTHEW WHITMAN, B.A., University of Oregon (1995); J.D., Lewis & Clark Law School (1998); admitted to the Oregon State Bar in 1998; Mathew Whitman, PC, Portland.

SUSAN A. BOWER, B.S., Indiana University (1988); J.D., Lewis & Clark Law School (1995); admitted to the Oregon State Bar in 1996; assistant attorney general, Oregon Department of Justice, Civil Enforcement Civil Recovery and Charitable Activities Sections, Salem.

The authors and the OSB Legal Publications Department thank the authors of all prior editions of this chapter for their contributions.

§ 15.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................15-3

§ 15.2 JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS................................................15-3

§ 15.2-1 Removal of Trustee.......................................................15-4

§ 15.2-1(a) Removal for Cause..............................................15-4

§ 15.2-1(b) Removal of Trustee Absent Breach of Duty.....................................................................15-6

§ 15.2-2...

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