Chapter 11 Collective Bargaining

LibraryLabor and Employment Law: Private Sector (OSBar) (2011 Ed.)

JOHN L. ZENOR, B.A., Arizona State University (1969); J.D., Cornell Law School (1972); member of the State Bar of California since 1973 and the Oregon State Bar since 1979; senior counsel, Ogletree Deakins, Orange County, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada.

§11.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................11-4

§11.2 DUTY TO BARGAIN IN GOOD FAITH..............................11-6

§11.2-1 Statutory Provisions....................................................11-6

§11.2-2 Totality of the Circumstances.....................................11-7

§11.2-3 Conditions to Bargaining............................................11-9

§11.2-4 Concessions, Content, and Withdrawal of Proposals...................................................................11-10

§11.2-5 Per Se Violations......................................................11-12

§11.2-6 Violations of the Duty to Bargain in Good Faith.....11-13

§11.2-6(a) Failure to Deal with Designated Bargaining Representatives..........................11-13

§11.2-6(b) Negotiations or Direct Communications with Employees.............................................11-14

§11.2-6(c) Failure to Give Sufficient Authority to Negotiators....................................................11-17

§11.2-6(d) Failure to Negotiate at Reasonable Times and Places...........................................11-17

§11.2-6(e) Failure to Execute a Written Contract Reflecting Agreement...................................11-19

§11.2-6(f) Failure to Comply with a Written Contract.........................................................11-22

§11.2-6(g) Failure to Furnish Relevant Information......11-22


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