Chapter 10 Recognition of Labor Organizations

LibraryLabor and Employment Law: Private Sector (OSBar) (2011 Ed.)

MICHAEL THOMAS GARONE, B.A., State University of New York, Binghamton (1977); J.D., University of Oregon (1980); member of the Oregon State Bar since 1980 and the Washington State Bar Association since 2000; shareholder, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, P.C., Portland.

§10.1 THE APPROPRIATE BARGAINING UNIT........................10-3

§10.1-1 General Factors...........................................................10-4

§10.1-1(a) Centralized Employer Policymaking..............10-4

§10.1-1(b) Bargaining History..........................................10-5

§10.1-1(c) Employee Preference......................................10-5

§10.1-1(d) Extent of Organization....................................10-5

§10.1-2 Types of Units.............................................................10-5

§10.1-2(a) Craft Units and Industrial Units......................10-6

§10.1-2(b) Single-Location and Multiple-Location Units................................................................10-6

§10.1-2(c) Multiple-Employer Units................................10-7

§10.1-2(c)(1) Voluntary Multiple-Employer Units...

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